Resumen: For many years, Korean art has attacted a fairly keen attention at hone and abroad, though only recently it has begun to receive proper recognition. In fact, ists true nature is for once being correctly, along with ists position and significances in the history of oriental art.
It is difficult to detail, or even sun up, the background to the five thousand years of Korean art in a brief text of this nature. Suffice it to say that Korea has always bordered on a dominant China and that for much of its history, the country came under military threat from a parade of its neighbors the Khitans, Jürchens, Mongols, Manchus and Japanese. Nonetheless, Koreans down the ages retained a clear-cut identity in the form of their own land, language and culture. Indeed, the flowering of our culture was solidly based on our own tradition, though the process entailed adaptation of influences from China, India, and Central Asia. Korea, is short, has done its norm in contributing to the refinement of eats Asian culture.