Granet, Keith
The business of creativity : how to build the right team for success / Keith Granet. - 190 p. ; 27 cm.
Resumen: The business of design is just that: a business—from the people you choose to hire to the clients and projects you take on. Keith Granet has been doing this a long time, and he really gets it. The Business of Creativity is a must-read for anyone wanting to build a company that will endure and to produce work they are proud of.
Capacidad creativa en los negocios
Planificación empresarial
HD 53 / .G73
The business of creativity : how to build the right team for success / Keith Granet. - 190 p. ; 27 cm.
Resumen: The business of design is just that: a business—from the people you choose to hire to the clients and projects you take on. Keith Granet has been doing this a long time, and he really gets it. The Business of Creativity is a must-read for anyone wanting to build a company that will endure and to produce work they are proud of.
Capacidad creativa en los negocios
Planificación empresarial
HD 53 / .G73