McMahon, Andrea

Attitude : workbook 3 / Andrea McMahon, Kate Fuscoe, Barbara Garside, Luke Prodromou. - 1a reimpr. - México, D.F. : Macmillan, reimpresión 2007. - 79 p. ; 30 cm. + 1 CD.

CD No. 280 Resumen: Build positive attitude
Ensuring that students have a positive attitude to learning is the key to their success. Through a series of high-interest topics, challenges, and reflective activities, attitude engages students in a learning experience that is both meaningful and relevant to their current reality.

Develop with attitude
Attitude introduces a unique focus on the development of study and writing skills, empowering students to become effective learners through awareness-raising activities, learning tips, and follow-up tasks.

Communicate with attitude
With solid learning foundations, students will have the confidence to express themselves, reflect who they are, and approach learning with attitude!


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